Project Description

The idea for this project is to design an app 'study up'  ‘How to complete tasks while procrastination happily’

The behaviour of students to delay learning is very common (Kandemir, 2014). It is generally believed that procrastination will bring bad effects, but delaying task progress may have hidden benefits for creativity (Shin & Grant, 2020). When a student is procrastinating on homework, there are often two voices fighting in his mind. On one side is hedonism, on the other side is the guilt caused by procrastination. Therefore, how to use app design to help students complete their homework on time is the focus of my project.

The application will still have academic delays without knowing how to manage tasks and time. Users can set different task levels according to the urgency of the task. In addition, the app also provides a unique study room with a timer and white noise environment to improve concentration and help users focus on their work.


Kandemir, M. (2014). Reasons of academic procrastination: Self-regulation, academic self-efficacy, life satisfaction and demographics variables. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 152, 188-193.

Shin, J., & Grant, A. M. (2020). When Putting Work Off Pays Off: The Curvilinear Relationship Between Procrastination and Creativity. Academy of Management Journal, (ja).


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