Axure RP10 - Interactive prototyping process

After I used Figma to design the first draft, I imported the wireframe into Axure. I used the Axure RP 10.0.0 3826 version. Importing is not supported below this version.
I have a student license, so I can use it for free. 

The page size of the app I designed is 1440 1020, I imported all the artwork of the Figma into Axure, and then I can carry out the next step of interface design and interaction design in Axure. 

After I put in the icons and illustrations, I started to interact with the interactive buttons on each page. Although the button fingertip interaction is relatively easy, it is very troublesome and trivial. If one of the buttons is not set to interact, the user will not be able to use it smoothly.

Although the button fingertip interaction is relatively easy, it is very troublesome and trivial. If one of the buttons is not set to interact, the user will not be able to use it smoothly.

I think the page is a bit monotonous, so I set the small task sign as a mouseover pattern, which will transform an expression.

The navigation bar is set to the same principle.

The function of this study room is that I have encountered a lot of difficulties.

Because of the final goal of the project, I set up a few auxiliary functions in the study room, but I did not expect these auxiliary functions to stump me. When making the timer, even though I watched the Axure official website teaching, it still showed an error when I tested it. When the second timer is completed, it becomes a negative number, and the minute function does not work.

Then I finally finished teaching after a blogger, as shown below, the blogger said this is the easiest way, but seeing these calculation programs, I don’t think so.....
Fortunately, it succeeded in the end.

I also made a simple loading page In the beginning

I set the value at 2000ms to make it have a gradual effect

Interactive tutorial 2021. How to make a countdown effect in Axure 9. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 May 2021]. 2021. Timer Tutorial · Axure Docs. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 May 2021].



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