Procrastination is a phenomenon that people have been with humans since at least the time of Cicero (Steel, 2007). The prevalence of the general population is as high as 20% to 25% (Ferrari, Díaz-Morales, O’Callaghan, Díaz & Argumedo, 2007). The prevalence of academic procrastination (that is, procrastination in learning-related activities; for example, writing semester essays, learning exams) among college students is much higher. As many as 70% of college students consider themselves procrastinators (Schouwenburg, 2004). In the book "It's about time!: the six styles of procrastination and how to overcome them", Sapadin and Maguire (1996) mentioned that there are six types of procrastination, namely the Worrier, the perfectionist, the over-doer, the crisis maker, the dreamer and the defier. The Worrier will not start this important or difficult task because they don't believe they can do it. They worry that they will not succeed. They are anxious about the idea o...